Press Releases for E Cigarettes

  • 626

    Smokers Discovering E Cigarettes Offer Healthier Alternative That's Low Cost

    As social pressures continue to mount for smokers, many are seeking was of curbing or even ending the habit that they may have wanted to give up for quite some time.

    By : | 04-09-2012 | Art and Entertainment:Music | Total Views : 626

  • 682

    Electronic Cigarettes from Starfire Cigs eliminate the risk of secondhand smoke

    Starfire Cigs help users smoke in social hangouts with the new smokeless electronic cigarettes. These cigarettes are the healthier alternative to traditional smoking cigarettes.

    By : | 03-17-2012 | Business:Business | Total Views : 682

  • 657

    Freshcig E Cigarettes at Marplebury Music Festival!

    Our electronic cigarette company represents a growing portion of the smoking market, and we will be demonstrating why so many are making the switch to electric cigarettes. E cigarettes are a safer alternative in that they don’t contain toxic tobacco smoke, tar, carcinogens and carbon monoxide, and thus switching to e cigarettes creates a smoke free environment leaving you and your clothes smelling fresh.

    By : | 08-24-2011 | Technology:Electronics | Total Views : 657